
Many of my working papers and publications are available at my RePEc page. Links to my journal articles are also available below.

Journal Articles

Productivity dispersion and sectoral labour shares in Europe (with Luke Rehill), Open Economies Review, Vol.33, 2022, pp.453–476 (2022).

New survey evidence on COVID-19 and Irish SMEs: Measuring the impact and policy response (with Conor O’Toole, Fergal McCann, Janez Kren and John McQuinn), Economic and Social Review, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2021, pp. 107-138

Financial frictions and the SME investment gap: new survey evidence for Ireland (with Maria Martinez-Cillero, Conor O’Toole and Rachel Slaymaker), Venture Capital: Vol. 22, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 239-259

Brexit and trade on the island of Ireland, Revue de l’OFCE, 167 (2020/3)

South-North trade in Ireland: Gravity and firms from the Good Friday Agreement to Brexit (with Peter Neary and Zuzanna Studnicka), Economic and Social Review, Vol. 50, No. 4, Winter 2019, pp. 751-766

Firm strategies in expanding and diversifying exports (with Iulia Siedschlag and Zuzanna Studnicka), World Economy, Vol. 42(2), February 2019, pp. 349-375

The product and sector level impact of a hard Brexit across the EU (with Edgar Morgenroth), Contemporary Social Science, Vol.14, No.2, pages 189-207

Corporate tax and location choice for multinational firms (with Daire McCoy, Edgar Morgenroth and Conor O’Toole), Applied Economics, 2018, Vol.50, Issue 26, pages 2920-2931.

 Identifying rent pressures in your neighbourhood: A new model of Irish regional rent indicators (with Kieran McQuinn and John Walsh), Economic and Social Review, 2018, Vol. 49 No.1, pages 73-92.

How Sensitive is Irish Income Tax Revenue to Underlying Economic Activity? (with Yota Deli, Derek Lambert, Kieran McQuinn and Edgar Morgenroth), Economic and Social Review, 2017, Vol.48, No.3, pages 317-336.

SME Recovery Following a Financial Crisis: Does Debt Overhang Matter? (with Brian O’Connell and Conor O’Toole), Journal of Financial Stability, 2015 Vol. 19, Issue C, pages: 45-59.

Why Firms don’t Cut Wages (with Philip du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Julian Messina and Tairi Room), ILR Review, 2015, Vol. 68, Issue 4, pages 862-888.

Developments in the Irish Labour Market during the Crisis: What Lessons for Policy? (with Thomas Conefrey and Suzanne Linehan), Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2015, Vol.44, pages 18-32.

Financial structure and diversification of European firms (with Brian O’Connell and Conor O’Toole), Applied Economics, 2015, Vol. 47, Issue 23, pages 2379-2398.

Non-Bank Financing in Ireland: A Comparative Perspective (with Conor OToole and Derek Lambert), Economic and Social Review, 2015, Vol. 46, No. 1, pages 133-161.

Where Do Firms Export, How Much, and Why? (with Karl Whelan), World Economy, 2014, Vol.37, No.8, pages 1027-1050.

Age or Size? Contributions to Job Creation, Small Business Economics, 2014, Vol.42, No.4, pages 815-830.

Firm Credit in Europe: A Tale of Three Crises (with Sarah Holton and Fergal McCann), Applied Economics, 2014, Vol.46 No.2, pages 190-211.

Marginal Distance: Does Export Experience Reduce Firm Trade Costs?Open Economies Review, 2013, Vol. 24, No.5, pages 819-841.

Determinants of Default: Evidence from a Sector-level Panel of Irish SME Loans (with Fergal McCann), Economic and Social Review, 2013.

SMEs in Ireland: Contributions, Credit and Economic Crisis (with Tara McIndoe-Calder and Fergal McCann), Policy Studies, 2014, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pages 435-457.

Do Complicated Tax Systems Prevent Foreign Direct Investment? Economica, 2013, Vol.80, Issue 319, pages 1-22.

SME Financing Conditions in Europe: Credit Crunch or Fundamentals? (with Sarah Holton and Fergal McCann), National Institute Economic Review, 2013.

How Do European Firms Adjust Their Labour Costs When Nominal Wages Are Rigid? (with Jan Babecky, Philip du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Julian Messina and Tairi Room), Labour Economics, 2012.

Credit Access for Small and Medium Firms: Survey Evidence for Ireland (with Fergal McCann), Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2012.

Understanding the Dynamics of Labor Shares and Inflation (with Karl Whelan), Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011.

Geography and Firm Exports: New Evidence on the Nature of Sunk Costs, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 2010.

Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity: Survey Evidence from European Firms (with Jan Babecky, Philip du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Julian Messina and Tairi Room), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2010.

Deconstructing Gravity: Trade Costs and Extensive and Intensive Margins, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2010.

Destinations of Irish Exports: A Gravity Model Approach, Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Volume 39, pages 1-22, 2010.

Firm Export Dynamics and the Geography of Trade, Journal of International Economics, 2009.

Firm Export Participation: Entry, Spillovers and Tradability, Applied Economics, 2009.

Job Turnover in Irish Manufacturing, 1972-2006 (with Alan Murphy), Economic and Social Review, 2008.